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Agricultural Hall of Fame

David Reid (2019)

David Reid

David Reid was born and raised on a tobacco farm east of Lynedoch, Norfolk County. After earning his Fish and Wildlife Biology degree from the University of Guelph,  he embarked on a 36-year career with Ontario’s Ministry of Natural Resources as a biologist and stewardship coordinator. Throughout, Reid advocated for the natural environment and connected with farmers, advising them on soil conservation, good forestry practices, windbreaks and many other aspects related to stewardship.

Dave became an integral part of the Land Stewardship Program in Norfolk and, as part of its council, was involved with such projects as the Water Supply Enhancement Project which helped improve irrigation equipment and practices in the County.

Reid’s involvement with Alternative Land Use Service (ALUS) Canada and ALUS Norfolk has been exemplary. He has held the positions of ALUS Canada Hub Manager and Director of Research & Development. He also co-authored Alternative Land Use Services – A Farmer’s Conservation, outlining the basic principles of the ALUS program that is still in daily use.

Thanks in large part to Reid’s efforts, the ALUS model is available to farmers across the country. This provides extensive environmental benefits such as the restoration projects on marginal farmland which improves soil quality, water and air quality as well as increase wildlife habitat.

David Reid was nominated by ALUS Norfolk. In his nomination form, ALUS Norfolk writes: “We are proud that Dave assisted from the beginning with the first pilot projects and has clearly created a lasting legacy to agriculture in Norfolk County.”

Noteworthy Accomplishments:

  • Former Director of the Norfolk Woodlot Association, and has served as an advisor since the organization’s inception

  • Recipient of the Carolinian Canada Coalition Conservation Award

  • Instrumental in the reintroduction of wild turkeys to Ontario, specifically to the Backus Woods/Port Rowan area